lunes, 22 de abril de 2013
Publicado por
Chari Paulano
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This is a little English place for children and teachers. Everybody can come and stay, and mainly, enjoy and have fun with English. My name is Chari. I am an English teacher and I want you feel comfortable in this blog. Thanks for your visit.
14 comentarios:
hola maestra soy marcos de 6a las preguntas las tienes aqui
1.the Highlands
2. it is in edinburgh
3.the new year
4. glasgou
5. bagpipes
hola maestra: soy carla aqui estan las preguntas....
1 The Highlans.
2 It is in Edimburgh.
3 The Newyear.
4 glagow.
5 Bagpipies.
Hola maestra soy Coral de 6ºA y aquí te mando las respuestas que creo que son del vídeo de Grecia·
1.- The Highlands.
2.-It's near Edinburgh.
3.- Celebrate the New Year.
4.- Is Edibugh.
5.-The bgpipes.
hello teacher ´m Rosa the 6A and answered
2-this is St ciles cathedlal it´s near EDINBUGH castle
3-there´s a big party in EDINBUGH to celebrate the NEW YEAR
hola maestra soy nerea de 6b
1. the highland
2. it'i near Ediburgh castle
3. celebrate the new year
4. the glasgow
5. the bagpipes.
1.The mountains are called the Highlands.
2.It's near Edinburgh Castle.
3.Every year in New Year's Eve.
4.Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.
5.They play a scottish instrument called the bagpipes
Hi teacher! I'm María of 6 B.
Hello teacher Chari!!!!!! I'm Elisabeth with 6th B. The answers are:
1. The mountains are the Highlands.
2. It's near Edinburgh Castle.
3. Every year on New Year's Eve there's a big party in Edimburgh to celebrate the New Year.
4. Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.
5. They play a Scottish instrument called the bagpipes.
Good bye, teacher!!! :*
Hello teacher, Soy José Manuel de 6ºB,aquí te envío las respuestas:
1º:It'is a Highlands.
2º:Is in the Castl in the Edinburgh.
3º:In the New Year'Eve.
4º:Is Glasgow.
5º:Is a bagpipes.
Hola maestra soy Juan Emilio de 6B y aquí te mando las respuestas de las preguntas del vídeo:
1 Are in the Higland
2 Is in París
3 In New Year
4 Is Glasgow
5 Is the beret
HELLO MY TEACHER!!!!!!! Aquí están mis respuestas de inglés:
1.The Highlands
2.It's near Edinburgh Castle.
3.On New Year's Eve.
4.Is Glasgow
5.The bagpipes.
Maestra soy Gracia Gómez de 6ºB. BYE,BYE!!!!!!!!!!
Hola soy Natacha...
1º.The mountains are called the Highlands.
2º. Is near Edinburgh castle.
3º.Celebrate the New Year.
4º.Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.
5º.They play a scottish instrument called the bagpipes.
Hola maestra soy Laura de 6ºB aqui tienes los deberes:
1.The mountains are called the Hinglhands.
2.In Edinburgh.
3.In every year.
4.Is Glasgow.
5.The bagpipes.
Hola maestra soy alicia de 6ºAestas son las respuestas de las preguntas de scotland
--- The Hinglhands
---It is in Edinburgh
--- Is evry year
---Is glasgow
---The bagpipes
Hola maestra soy Laura de 6a aquí te mando las respuestas de las preguntas:
1.The mountains are called the Hinglhands.
2.In Edinburgh.
3.Every year on New Year's Eve there's a big party in Edinburgh to celebrate the New Year.
4.Is Glasgow
5.The bagpipes.
Teacher goodbye.
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